Raw prawns with prawns on a griddle

Today we celebrate Sweden's National Day with a lovely old Swedish home classic. Raw prawns topped with prawns and roe served with creme fraiche, red onion, dill and lemon. The most classic thing is to serve raw rakok with fried pork and raw stir-fried lingonberries, but if it's national day, that's it, and then we add a little extra luxury to it. So good and so easy to cook on the grill. Happy weekend to all roasters out there at the stoves!

Raw crabs belong to the home cooking family and began to be cooked as early as the 18th century when potatoes became established as a staple food in Sweden. On the west coast, the raw crabs were certainly eaten with something from the sea, and Captain Mat takes that legacy with him.

The sabering of a Vintage 2013 from Palmer & Co. went well there…